Sunday, April 25, 2010


Tanmay was tinkering around in the kitchen. While he was at it, Aly decided to walk around his apartment, which was very impressive for a guy like Tanmay, who had just started off on his own. As she walked around the, place, she saw wall almost completely filled with pictures of Tanmay and his adventures, one might call it. His graduation, many, many photos of him and his group of close knit friends and quite a few of him and a girl at various places adorned the wall. It was something titanic for Aly to even imagine having the kind of fun depicted in Tanmay’s pictures. He deserved it. He was always the pushover in the school for his plumpness. People were really unfair to him, and to an extent even she and Rehan have mocked him. She used to talk to him at times out of sympathy and that was it. But it used to make him so happy, he used to follow her around and she had used him more than once to get her work done. She felt sad. He was always nice to her, always there for her. Why did she have to be so rude to him?? She was always there for Rehan, but what good did it do to her?? Where was he today? After all these years, when they finally had the chance to meet up, retrospect? He was ....her thoughts just became a mass of anger, and a she started clenching her hands tightly and digging her nails into her hands. “Oi, What IS WRONG WITH YOU” shouted Tanmay as he down the mugs of coffee he had made and began to unclench her hand. Small droplets of blood trickled down her palms. “Alia, have you lost your mind?? Why would you hurt yourself? What went so bad today? Look, I know you couldn’t talk with Rehan because he was getting busy with that whore, and your ‘devastated’ but come on”. He was so furious that in his fury, he was rattling a stunned Alia very hard. "I'm sorry yaar. I just don't understand why you're so upset about Rehan. He obviously knew you were coming. We all knew who was coming. Neha had sent a guest list with the invite. Its been 3 years Aly. All those emotions, those years of friendship, that closeness, the very thought about coming back to him would have been overwhelming. I know this for a fact, Aly, that you both haven't been in touch after that last meeting under the tree, watching the sunset. He OBVIOUSLY couldn't handle the fact that today he has to face you. TODAY, he had to talk to you, make things right, answer totally legit questions that you will ask him. He knew he'd wronged you and he wouldn't have the courage to face you. Rather he came all drunk and got away from you as soon as possible. You didn't see him come in. You just heard the guys beckoning him. I saw him. I saw the look in his eyes. He was anxious.He was searching throughout, and when he saw you, he went to his friends, and quickly went to the terrace. be continued

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